Фабио Ассолини

Head of Research Center, Latin America, Global Research & Analysis Team

Fabio Assolini joined Kaspersky’s Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT), which boasts the industry’s top analysts, in July 2009 to primarily focus on one of the most dynamic countries in Latin America: Brazil. Fabio’s responsibilities include the analysis of virus, cyber attacks, banking trojans and other types of malware that originate from Brazil and the rest of the region. He particularly focuses on the research and detection of banking trojans. In November 2012, he was promoted to senior security researcher. Since 2006, Fabio has been a voluntary member of the security community Linha Defensiva (Defensive Line), a non-government organization. In addition, he is a member of the Alliance of Security Analysis Professionals (ASAP), a network of NGOs, professionals and individuals dedicated to providing security related support to end users. Fabio has more than five years of experience as a malware analyst and possesses a university degree in Computer Science.



BlindEagle vuela alto en LATAM

Kaspersky proporciona información sobre la actividad y los TTPs del APT BlindEagle. Grupo que apunta a organizaciones e individuos en Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Panamá y otros países de América Latina.

MosaicRegressor: acechando en las sombras de UEFI

Encontramos una imagen de firmware de la UEFI infectada con un implante malicioso, es el objeto de esta investigación. Hasta donde sabemos, este es el segundo caso conocido en que se ha detectado un firmware malicioso de la UEFI usado por un actor de amenazas.

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