Yury Namestnikov

Head of Global Research & Analysis Team, Russia

Yury joined the Kaspersky Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) in July 2011. He specializes in analyzing advanced persistent threats and attacks against banks and financial institutions, as well as malware data collection and analysis. He is also involved in research into mobile threats and malware and web application security issues. He constantly reviews general changes to malware trends. Yury started his career at Kaspersky in 2007 as a virus analyst and was promoted to senior virus analyst after one year. In 2009 he was instrumental in a project, where he developed statistical services for the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) as senior developer-analyst. After finishing this project, he moved to the education unit of Kaspersky Research and Development as project manager, where he organized and conducted training on IT Security for different organizations including universities, financial organizations and law enforcement agencies. In 2015 Yury was promoted to the position of Head of GReAT in Russia.



BlindEagle vuela alto en LATAM

Kaspersky proporciona información sobre la actividad y los TTPs del APT BlindEagle. Grupo que apunta a organizaciones e individuos en Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Panamá y otros países de América Latina.

MosaicRegressor: acechando en las sombras de UEFI

Encontramos una imagen de firmware de la UEFI infectada con un implante malicioso, es el objeto de esta investigación. Hasta donde sabemos, este es el segundo caso conocido en que se ha detectado un firmware malicioso de la UEFI usado por un actor de amenazas.

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