David Emm

Principal Security Researcher, Global Research & Analysis Team

David Emm is Principal Security Researcher at Kaspersky, a provider of security and threat management solutions. David joined Kaspersky in 2004. He is a member of the company's Global Research & Analysis Team (GReAT) and has worked in the anti-malware industry since 1990 in a variety of roles, including that of Senior Technology Consultant at Dr Solomon's Software, and Systems Engineer and Product Manager at McAfee. In his current role, David regularly delivers presentations on malware and other IT security threats at exhibitions and events, highlighting what organisations and consumers can do to stay safe online. He also provides comment to broadcast and print media on the ever-changing cyber-security and threat landscape. David has a strong interest in malware, ID theft and the human aspects of security, and is a knowledgeable advisor on all aspects of online security.



BlindEagle vuela alto en LATAM

Kaspersky proporciona información sobre la actividad y los TTPs del APT BlindEagle. Grupo que apunta a organizaciones e individuos en Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Panamá y otros países de América Latina.

MosaicRegressor: acechando en las sombras de UEFI

Encontramos una imagen de firmware de la UEFI infectada con un implante malicioso, es el objeto de esta investigación. Hasta donde sabemos, este es el segundo caso conocido en que se ha detectado un firmware malicioso de la UEFI usado por un actor de amenazas.

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